NGINX is currently one of the most widely used web servers. It is highly favored by server administrators and developers because of its excellent performance, stability, and extensive range of features.

capabilities and comprehensive set of features, managing a web infrastructure is a critical responsibility for system administrators and individuals involved in this field. systemctl With its tool, Linux simplifies the administration of NGINX server.

restart the Nginx web server

This article will provide instructions on how to begin, cease, and initiate NGINX utilizing systemctl on a Linux operating system.

Given paragraph translated in English: “Begin by providing an outline of the topic.” systemctl prior to delving into the specifics of utilizing it for the purpose of managing NGINX operations.

Understanding systemctl

 systemctl is the tool used on the command line to interact with systemd the system and service manager, which is a crucial component found in numerous contemporary Linux distributions, to efficiently manage and regulate the operations of the system. systemctl To oversee services, verify statuses, and conduct typical server administration tasks.

Using systemctl on Linux, you can start, stop, and restart the NGINX web server.

Now, we will delve into the specifics of the procedures that administrators employ to initiate, halt, and reboot the NGINX server using the systemctl tool. Initially, we will examine the requirements necessary for carrying out these actions.


Prior to starting with the NGINX server, there are certain requirements you need to fulfill.

  1. a graphical user interface is often referred to as a Linux desktop. This desktop environment provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the operating system and running applications. There are several popular Linux desktop environments available, including GNOME, KDE, and XFCE. Each desktop environment has its own unique features, appearance, and configuration options. Users can choose the desktop environment that best suits their needs and preferences. systemd You have the choice to select among various well-known distributions, such as CentOS, Fedora, Debian, or Ubuntu.
  2. NGINX is installed on the system.
  3. Having the ability to log into a user account with sudo or root permissions.

To determine the status of your NGINX server through systemctl, follow these steps.

We highly advise checking the server status before making any modifications to the NGINX server, so that you can review the current configuration and condition.

Here are the steps of the process:

Step #1: Launch the Terminal

If you are physically working with the server, open the terminal. However, if you are accessing the server remotely, make sure you are connected using SSH.

Step #2: Enter the Status Command

In the terminal, enter the given command.

Check the current status of the nginx service using the command

"sudo systemctl status nginx".

Let’s analyze the key elements provided in the output of the command, which offers comprehensive details about the NGINX service.

 Loaded This shows whether the service was loaded successfully and specifies the location of the service’s unit file.

 Active This is the current condition of the service. Typically, it will display one of the following options:

 active (running) If it appears in the color green, it indicates that NGINX is operating correctly.

 inactive (dead) Indicated in white color, it shows that NGINX is currently inactive.

 failed Indicated by red highlighting, this shows that the NGINX service failed to start due to an error. More details regarding the problem will be available in the output.

 Docs It offers access to the service’s associated documentation through links.

 Tasks, Memory, CPU Provides an overview of the resources currently being used by the NGINX service.

 Main PID This shows the main ID for the NGINX master process.

 Status Logs Here is a concise record of recent service tasks and events. This section is helpful for identifying any recent mistakes or incidents. We suggest referring to our guide on how to access NGINX logs for a more detailed view of the log data.

If you only want to verify if the NGINX service is running, employ the given command:

Check the status of the nginx service by using the command

"sudo systemctl is-active nginx"

in the English language.

In the same way, to make sure that NGINX starts automatically when the system boots up, you can use the command provided below.

Determine if Nginx is enabled with the following command:

"sudo systemctl is-enabled nginx."

restart the Nginx web server

To launch the NGINX Web Server on a Linux system, you can use the systemctl command.

After confirming the server’s status, we will proceed to initiate the NGINX server using the systemctl command.

To accomplish this, execute the given command within the terminal.

 # sudo systemctl start nginx 

To start the NGINX service, use this command. You will not receive any confirmation message if the service starts successfully. However, if there is an error, you will receive a brief explanation of the issue.

To cease the operation of the NGINX web server on a Linux system, employ the systemctl command.

If there is a need to stop the NGINX service for any reason, such as making changes to the configuration or conducting system maintenance, you can utilize the given command.

 # sudo systemctl stop nginx 

This directive gently halts the NGINX web server to prevent any sudden disconnection of active connections.

Understanding NGINX Restart vs. Reload

NGINX provides a range of commands for controlling its operational state, but users frequently get confused between the restart and reload commands.

At first glance, both actions seem identical and seem to carry out the same task of restarting the service.

Nevertheless, when approached from a technical standpoint, the two actions display distinct dissimilarities and yield contrasting results.

Let’s delve into the specifics of these actions.

To restart the NGINX web server in Linux, the systemctl tool can be utilized.

When NGINX is restarted, it undergoes a two-step process: first, the server is completely shut down and then it is started again. This process involves closing all ongoing connections and worker processes before initiating a new instance of the server.

Determining the appropriate moment to restart the NGINX web server

You should restart an NGINX server for:

 Major Configuration Changes 

If you have made important changes to the NGINX configuration, such as modifying server blocks, adjusting ports, or changing the number of worker processes, it is necessary to restart the server.

 Module Additions/Removals 

It is necessary to restart the server after adding or removing an NGINX module. This is because the modules are integrated into the system during the start-up phase of the restart process.

To reboot the NGINX server in Linux using systemctl, execute the given command.

Restarting Nginx using the command "sudo systemctl restart nginx."

Please be aware that if you restart the server, it may temporarily interrupt ongoing connections and could have an impact on user satisfaction. We highly recommend scheduling server restarts at times when there is less traffic.

To reload NGINX configuration on Linux, you can utilize the systemctl command.

While swapping the old configuration for the new one, the NGINX server remains active throughout the reloading process.

The NGINX master process stays operational to keep active connections running smoothly. The updated configuration spawns new worker processes, and the older ones are gracefully terminated once they finish their ongoing tasks.

When should the NGINX server configuration be reloaded?

There are various scenarios where you should contemplate reloading the NGINX server configuration:

 Minor Configuration Tweaks 

If you make any changes, such as editing redirect rules, adding MIME types, or adjusting rate limiting, it is advisable to reload the server configuration.

 Certificate Renewals 

It is important to refresh the NGINX server configuration every time you make changes to SSL certificates.

 Frequent Changes 

If your environment requires frequent configuration changes, reloads are a safer and less disruptive option compared to full restarts.

To reload the configuration of the NGINX server in Linux using systemctl, execute the following command.

Reloading Nginx using the sudo systemctl command.

 Important : Prior to reloading, examine the configuration file to check for any syntax errors by conducting a test. nginx -t It is advisable to follow good practices. If the configuration is faulty, a failed reload could cause service disruption and necessitate a complete server restart.

If NGINX identifies a syntax error while reloading, it terminates the process. However, the server still operates using the previous configuration, ensuring uninterrupted server functionality and a seamless user experience.

Start or stop the NGINX service automatically on system startup in Linux by utilizing the systemctl command.

In order for NGINX to start automatically when the system starts up, you will need to enable it using the given command.

Enable the nginx service using the sudo systemctl command.

On the other hand, if you prefer not to have the NGINX service automatically start when the system is booted, you can use the command below.

Disable the nginx service using the sudo command and the systemctl command.

These are only a couple of the numerous managerial procedures. Here is an in-depth analysis of the functioning process of dedicated servers.

Problems that are frequently encountered with NGINX and their easy solutions.

While working with the NGINX server, you may come across certain problems that have the potential to hinder the delivery of services. In the following text, we will briefly address three typical issues and provide immediate solutions to resolve them efficiently.

 Configuration Errors If the NGINX service is unable to initiate, it is advisable to investigate the configuration file for any issues. Our suggestion is to employ nginx -t to check if the configuration contains any syntax errors.

 Port Conflicts You must always verify that there are no other services utilizing the port allocated to NGINX. By default, NGINX utilizes port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS.

 File Permissions Problems with file permissions are often the cause of NGINX service startup failures. It is important to always double-check that NGINX has the appropriate permissions to access configuration files and serve files.


Having a comprehensive knowledge of administering NGINX servers is necessary to initiate, stop, or restart the NGINX web server on Linux using the systemctl command. Familiarity with these commands enables administrators to promptly and efficiently make configuration modifications, address problems, and carry out regular server upkeep.

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 Q: How do I install NGINX? 

A: If you have different operating systems, you have the option to utilize package managers such as apt for Ubuntu or yum for CentOS to install nginx.

How can the NGINX service be restarted on Ubuntu Linux?

A: If you want to restart the NGINX service on Ubuntu Linux, you just need to execute the given command.

 # sudo service nginx restart 

A: What are the steps to halt and resume an NGINX web server on Linux?

A: In order to halt and then resume the NGINX web server on Linux, you have the option of executing the subsequent instructions:

 # sudo systemctl stop nginx 

 # sudo systemctl start nginx 

How can I set up NGINX in Ubuntu Linux?

To set up NGINX on Ubuntu Linux, you have the option to modify the NGINX configuration file found at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

A: In terms of NGINX and Apache, what sets them apart?

A: Both NGINX and Apache are web servers, but they manage internet traffic in distinct ways. NGINX operates on events and is not obstructive, while Apache follows a process-based approach. This disparity leads to variations in performance and scalability between these two servers.

 Q: Can NGINX handle PHP? 

A: NGINX cannot handle PHP on its own. Instead, it requires another processor like PHP-FPM to work with it.

How can I use systemctl to control the NGINX service?

A: Various commands like start, stop, restart, enable, disable, and status can be used to manage the NGINX service with systemctl. To initiate the NGINX service, you can use the command: # systemctl start nginx

How can modifications be made to the NGINX configuration?

In order to modify NGINX configuration, you will have to edit the nginx.conf file found in the /etc/nginx directory. Once you have made the necessary modifications, you can choose to either restart or reload the web server for the changes to be applied.

Can NGINX function as a reverse proxy server for web servers like Apache and others?

A: Indeed, NGINX has the capability to function as a reverse proxy server for Apache and other web servers. Its usage can enhance performance, manage high volumes of web traffic, and offer supplementary security functionalities.

A: Does NGINX function as an independent web server?

A: Certainly, NGINX is a separate web server that delivers both static and dynamic content. It is renowned for its exceptional speed, scalability, and capability to manage numerous connections concurrently.